Update on the Undergraduate Advising Center

Since the start of the fall term, Associate Dean and Director of the Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) Diep Luu (pronounced “Yip”) has met with various stakeholders across campus, including students, faculty, staff, and administrators, to share the UAC’s mission and goals. Response to Diep’s roadshow presentation has been overwhelmingly positive, and has generated many insightful comments and questions for consideration. The feedback received will be instrumental in bringing Diep’s vision of the UAC to life. If you would like to schedule a presentation for your DLC, please email advising@mit.edu.
In an effort to share more about the UAC with students, Diep and team hosted the first “Sip with Diep” on Wednesday, September 27. The event was a resounding success! Diep invited undergraduate students to join him in his office for informal conversation about their personal advising experiences at MIT. Over 30 students attended – a testament to the power of boba tea in marketing an event! The next “Sip with Diep” is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31, and will continue on a monthly basis throughout the academic year.
In other exciting news, the UAC welcomed two team members this summer: Sade Abraham, Associate Dean, Advising & Student Belonging, and Chelsea Longin, Associate Dean, Advising & Strategic Initiatives. Both Sade and Chelsea, along with Diep, Jocelyn Heywood, and Jordan Sell, are now located in 7-104. The UAC is incredibly grateful to UROP for offering to relocate, so that our team members can sit together in 7-103 and 7-104. Please stop by to say hello!
Over the next two years, the UAC will hire a number of additional staff to join our team. You can learn more about our Open Positions here. We ask that you share these positions with your networks, to help us find the best people for the roles.
Lastly, the UAC is hosting a Halloween event on Tuesday, October 31, 11 am-1 pm, in 7-103 and 7-104. We invite all OVC staff to stop by and take a picture in our festive photo booth, grab some treats, and/or enter to win our costume contest. Prizes will be awarded to the faculty/staff with the best costume!
— Chelsea Longin, UAC