OFY Launches Orientation Leader Instagram Takeovers

The Office of the First Year is extremely excited to be actively working on welcoming the Class of 2026 to campus. This year, the Orientation Captains and Orientation Leaders were very excited to figure out ways to engage with first year students even more before coming to campus. That is where Orientation Takeovers came into play. Our Orientation Leader staff had a great idea of making a schedule of when our OLs can go on the OFY Instagram page (@mitfirstyear) and take students through a week in their life, share their expertise and experiences, and answer lots of questions. The OLs have been able to remind students of important dates and deadlines, help ease their anxieties, and ultimately get students excited. Make sure to tune into the OFY Instagram and check out our takeovers!
— Michael Santoro, OFY