MIT Navy ROTC Kicks Off a Busy Fall Semester
Happy 248th Birthday, U.S. Navy, on October 13! This semester has been full of activity, as we welcomed in a large class of new midshipmen (MIDN), as well as returning members of the Battalion.
A “Welcome Aboard” FEX (Field Exercise) was held aboard the U.S.S. Constitution on September 9th where midshipmen were able to practice several exercises using both guns and pikes alongside their fellow classmates and the sailors stationed aboard the ship. This was a great experience for all, aboard the U.S. Navy’s oldest commissioned naval warship. It was followed by the first welcome back breakfast: a perfect start to the year.

The following weekend was a busy one, with several simultaneous events with a high level of midshipmen participation. Several MIDN traveled to the College of the Holy Cross on the 23 for a seminar. Others turned out in great numbers that same day in the Bunker Hill area for a 5K run (which they organized), based on mentorship pairings, and followed it with a pizza lunch.
It was a huge honor, and a highlight of the semester, for the Battalion to host the U.S. Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, on the afternoon of September 26. He imparted his wisdom and experience gained from his distinguished career in the Navy and the private sector. He also took part in a question-and-answer session with the midshipmen and gave valuable career advice. Some of the midshipmen continued their exciting and vigorous schedule by participating in the Joint ROTC Color Guard at historic Fenway Park that very same night.
A few days later, the midshipmen of the Old Ironsides Battalion secured a victory for the 5th straight year over their Army and Air Force ROTC counterparts in the Curtis Cup, an annual flag football game, held at Boston University on September 29.
Currently, planning is well underway for even more exciting events for our Battalion! Upcoming events for the fall semester include a Joint Services Sports Day on October 20; participation in the Boy Scouts of America’s Merit Badge University on the October 29; various Veterans Day ceremonies across the Consortium; and the USMC Birthday Ball in November. We are excited to be back and in full swing!
— Lisa Breen, MIT Navy ROTC