Flipping Failure Featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education

Flipping Failure Featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education

Beckie Supiano highlighted Flipping Failure in the March 21 edition of her weekly Teaching newsletter from the Chronicle of Higher Education. In it, she quotes Ruthann Thomas, TLL Associate Director for Teaching and Learning: “Last year, we made a short video of past Flipping Failure participants discussing the impact and benefits of the workshop series to codify and share some of the growth and value we witnessed from students sharing and reflecting on the meaning of their challenges.”

Please consider sharing Flipping Failure with your students. You can also sign up for the Flipping Failure newsletter to receive insights from the 23 stories and 62 coping strategy videos currently available. Look for four new stories from the 2024 IAP storytelling workshop series to be  published this fall!

— Melissa Mangino, TLL