Fall Career Fair 2021 Dates and Themes
After careful consideration of feedback from students, employers, and faculty and staff, the 2021 Fall Career Fair committee and CAPD are pleased to announce the following virtual fair dates and industry-based themes for the 2021 Fall Career Fair:
- Friday, September 24: Data Analytics, Consulting, Finance Fair
- Tuesday, September 28: Computer Science and Social Impact
- Wednesday, October 6: Design, Engineering, & Research (includes Sciences, Environmental, Sustainability, Transportation, Manufacturing, Hardware, Robotics) [Tentative Title]
These themes were selected based on feedback received, the recruiting schedules within industries, and to ensure that all three fairs had a balance of employer representatives. The Fall Career Fair series is open to all MIT students and alums, and is meant to compliment the broader range of recruitment events and fairs throughout the year, serving wide range of populations in the MIT community. These include CAPD-produced fairs, student-run fairs, department-run fairs, and collaborations with other schools.
Please contact cf-directors@mit.edu if you have any questions about the Fall Career Fair.
— David Kovacs, CAPD