Celebrate our Graduate Students!

This April 4 – 8, MIT will celebrate Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW). It presents a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate our gratitude for the contributions, impact, and value of grad students. They inspire us every day with their passionate curiosity, visionary research, and bold innovations.
The Office of Graduate Education is coordinating a roster of events for the week. The schedule will be available in March, and we will distribute some giveaway items for you to share with the grad students who come to your office.
We encourage your office to plan a celebratory event! Create a new offering (treats in the office?) or add some special pizzazz to an event already on the books. Please reach out to Heather Konar (heatherf@mit.edu) if you need ideas or would like to sponsor an event.
We look forward to celebrating our amazing graduate students with you in April.
— Heather Konar