A Successful FLI Pre-Orientation Program
FLIPOP, the First Generation and/or Low-income (FLI) first-year pre-orientation program (FPOP), took place this year from Tuesday, August 22 through Sunday, August 27. The program aims to ease the transition into MIT for incoming first-year FLI undergraduate students. This year, there were 30 first-year participants who learned about connecting with important campus resources (e.g., CAPD, MIT Medical, SFS, etc.), study strategies, managing finances, and more. Participants also were able to share meals with Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz, faculty/staff who identify as FLI, and 10 upper-level students who volunteered as FLIPOP counselors.
In addition to our time on-campus FLIPOP participants went on a retreat to YMCA Camp Burgess in Sandwich, MA where they braved torrential rains to do team bonding exercises, navigate the low and high ropes courses, and enjoy some free time at the waterfront. This initiative helps incoming FLI students build lasting connections each other, with current FLI students, and other members of the FLI community at MIT. It also works to reinforce the collaborative, team approach that many students will need to use during their undergraduate careers.
— J. Alex Hoyt, Office of the First Year