OVC Internal

3 Questions: Progress on updating MIT’s undergraduate curriculum
Professors Adam Martin and Joel Volman explain the genesis, scope, and objectives of the recently launched Task Force on the MIT Undergraduate Academic Program.
2024 MacVicar Faculty Fellows named
Professors Berggren, Campbell, Pollock, and Vaikuntanathan are honored for exceptional undergraduate teaching.
Envisioning a time when people age without fear of dementia
Moved by the human devastation and scientific conundrum of Alzheimer’s, William Li seeks to work on therapies for the disease.
“Imagine it, build it” at MIT
In class 2.679 (Electronics for Mechanical Systems II) a hands-on approach provides the skills engineers use to create and solve problems.
Life on Mars, together
With Project MADMEN, two MIT students experience the challenges and bonding associated with a Mars analog mission.
Nicole McGaa: Ensuring safe travels in space
The MIT senior seeks to make spaceflight easier and safer for the human body.
Announcing our 2024 MIT Excellence Award Winner
Dr. Lauren Pouchak, OVC's director of special projects, has received a 2024 MIT Excellence Award for Bringing Out the Best: Everyday Leadership throughout MIT.
First-year MIT students gain hands-on research experience in supportive peer community
Mini-UROP program connects first-years with graduate students and postdocs for enriched learning.
Four-peat: MIT students take first place in the 84th Putnam Math Competition
MIT undergraduates win top five spots for the fourth year in a row and capture the Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize.
Moving past the Iron Age
Graduate student Sydney Johnson looks at how to achieve greener steel.