Co-directors Youssef Marzouk and Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou describe how the standalone degree aims to train students in cross-cutting aspects of computational science and engineering.
2023 Ethics and Sustainability Student Showcase, featuring dozens of student projects from the Experiential Ethics and Experiential Sustainability classes. The students’ enthusiasm for their topics was obvious in the posters,…
FLIPOP, the First Generation and/or Low-income (FLI) first-year pre-orientation program aims to ease the transition into MIT for incoming first-year FLI undergraduate students.
The Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) is in the process of giving out grants for Social Impact Experiential Learning Opportunities (ELOs) and non-credit IAP activities. OEL awarded $600,000 for 12…
In September, the UAC partnered with the Office of Experiential Learning to put on an Experiential Learning Fair for our first-year and upper level-students. Students were able to learn about…
The event served as an opportunity for FLI-identifying (first generation and/or low-income) undergraduate students, staff, and faculty to come together, partake in a delightful meal, and forge meaningful connections.
The Admissions Office is pleased to announce that Campus Preview Weekend (CPW) will be held April 11 through April 14. The community website, which has more about CPW 2024, will launch in early January.